Peter Sacco

Pete  finds yoga to be the perfect balance to weight training and life in general.  A true testimony to the saying, “yoga is for every body.”  When hes not traveling all over greater Boston to take class his home...

Community Class with NamaStay Sober


at Soma Yoga Center (256 Hanover St.
3rd Floor Boston, MA 02113)

Please join NamaStay Sober every 3rd Saturday of the month for yoga and community in this all levels yoga class. You will be guided through a gentle and restorative class for 45 minutes followed by a conversation based upon the 8 limbs of yoga. We will use the Yamas & Niyamas of the Yoga Sutras as a guide for self reflection and how we want to live our lives in an authentic and meaningful way. 

This is a recovery-based group but all are welcome.  We believe that everyone is in recovery from something and it's through community & connection that we heal. 

Donations optional.  Proceeds will help fund a membership for a person in recovery at Soma for one year.